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My Reflection on EdTech 3135

I enjoyed EdTech 3135 with professor Sarah Ackermann and learned a good deal of information in the class. I learned some new technologies, and while I may not use them all, there were some, such as Google Documents and Google Calender that I will begin to take advantage of, even in my personal life. 


My classmates were very helpful during our Google Hangout sessions. I also learned a lot from presentations and offerings of information on collaboration from my fellow students. As a previous math major, I learned of some new technologies and websites from fellow students going in the math subject of teaching that I found extremely helpful.


I do not currently plan on going into the teaching profession but took this class as an elective both for a backup in case I do need a different profession to fall back on and because I thought I would learn some interesting things in the class.  I do think that it may help me in my library profession as I deal with the public and have to teach new computer users the ins and outs of computing. I think the class satisfied both needs formerly mentioned and I thoroughtly enjoyed the class. I would recommend this class to others.

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